like to assure you that all you tell us we will not divulge, we
will not tell anybody.. .(Uruguayan)
Filiberto at this time
interrupted Mario Rodriguez with an emotional voice and shouted:
"Thus, thus speaks the man, that is the way he spoke."
HYPNOTIST - But was it him?
FILIBERTO - No, no, but he
talked like that, similar.
HYPNOTIST - The voices are
similar. Let's see. He will continue talking.
MARIO - Be tranquil because
I am not the one who walks with them. I would like to ask you
something about what happened if you can tell me? Did you feel heavy?
Was your body heavy? Did you feel light?
FILIBERTO - When they put
me in the chair, I was fastened to the seat, but later I walked
moving my feet, but it was like I was not standing on the floor.
MARIO - Do you remember any
object that you saw? Anything in particular that would remind you of
something common, something that you see every day?
FILIBERTO - The walls were
as if they were panoramas of
television, and they displayed many things
of the Earth. HYPNOTIST - And what did you see in the panoramas?
FILIBERTO - I saw the Earth... (sobs)
HYPNOTIST - Very well. Don't tell us until
you are ready. Did you see animals?
FILIBERTO - I saw animals... great cities...
HYPNOTIST - Such as? Were they from Earth
or another place? FILIBERTO - From Earth, yes.
HYPNOTIST - And why were they living there?
FILIBERTO - No, but I didn't see them there.
I saw them in the panoramas, the televisions, because they put me in
those places that were passing.
HYPNOTIST - And the people were talking
with you? Was it of the Earth or another place?
FILIBERTO - When they were putting me there,
there was the man, one who seemed like he was the leader of them.
HYPNOTIST - How was that?
FILIBERTO-Sighs... I do not understand well,
because he was high, so, as in the seat that rotated. He had a cover
HYPNOTIST - Did they show you any pyramids?
FILIBERTO - Yes, there is where we were.
HYPNOTIST - Inside the pyramid?
HYPNOTIST - Where was this pyramid?
FILIBERTO - This pyramid was beneath the
HYPNOTIST - In what part, At what place?
FILIBERTO -... (silence)
HYPNOTIST - Now, when I count to three you
will see a picture with the longitude and latitude exactly where
this pyramid is located and you will tell me... one... two... three...
FILIBERTO - They say that it is between the...
HYPNOTIST - Where? Louder!
FILIBERTO - It is near the...
HYPNOTIST - You will remember when I say
three... one... two ... three.
FILIBERTO - It is between... Berin… and
Santiago under the ocean, for there it is. Some four hundred...
HYPNOTIST - Degrees of longitude?
FILIBERTO - Four hundred. I don't remember.
Only four hundred...
HYPNOTIST - Now the degrees of latitude.
Did they tell you? Can you remember?
FILIBERTO - There are three pyramids.
HYPNOTIST - And the other two pyramids,
where are they?
FILIBERTO - One is on land
and the other under the ocean.
HYPNOTIST - In what part?
FILIBERTO - They are
signalling me. It is like a light that comes on and makes an arc
from one pyramid to another.
HYPNOTIST - And the third?
FILIBERTO - That is the one
that is in the Atlantic. The other is on land.
HYPNOTIST - And you, where
are you?
FILIBERTO - I am in that
which is in... in... near to Berin.
HYPNOTIST - Quickly answer. one,
two, three. One in the Atlantic, one on land, and the other?
FILIBERTO - It is where I
HYPNOTIST - But where are
FILIBERTO - This is that
which is 400 into the sea, but I do not know in what part.
HYPNOTIST - And the one in
the Atlantic. Isn't that under water also?
FILIBERTO - Yes, it is in
the ocean.
HYPNOTIST - Two under water
and one on land?
HYPNOTIST - How long, would
you say, they were there?
FILIBERTO -36 months.
HYPNOTIST - What do they
remember what they eat. I do not know.
HYPNOTIST- Does this estrange
you from your family?
FILIBERTO - Yes, but I want
to understand all these things because they told me that there are
seven (of us) to speak, to prepare for what will come to pass.
HYPNOTIST - Who are these
FILIBERTO - I do not know
who the seven are.
HYPNOTIST - They didn't
tell you?
FILIBERTO - No. There are
seven that they are going to return to Earth.
HYPNOTIST - What else
FILIBERTO - One went in a
thing that is going to command and the other six in other places are
going to tell what is going to happen.
HYPNOTIST - On what date?
FILIBERTO - After 3 months.
HYPNOTIST - Were there
children there?
FILIBERTO - Where this is
going to happen?
HYPNOTIST - Where you were