picture above of the videoserie -
now on
THE LEGEND OF ATLANTIS - 2011 Eliah's prophecies on THE LAST
(more on the esoteric (hidden) agenda on the karmic drama thru
world war 1&2 and how the dark
pole in earth's consciousness was used to trigger this necessary karma
experience for the macro-being of Earth, and its cells; the
earthpeople, where the
cosmic laws and the HIGHER SELF, regulates it so that
NOBODY get any lesson which is not necessary for it to grow spritually:)

All the suffering from the wars are individual's
- and countries collected/ and collecitive karma for SO MANY
lives - where the individual having sown SIMILAR pain and suffering
to other beings. And; including indirectly killing of A LOT
ANIMALS THROUGH MEAT-EATING, which is directly connected to
WAR-KARMA. But every action done in the many
primitive, IGNORANT lives in the past, will be "tied"
to its source - and will must be "paid for".
AND that
is done THRU such collected karma (as just the wars really
are), according
to the wisemen, whom could see the BIG VIEW OF THE COSMIC RULES -
as fx the danish wiseman MARTINUS

"During the Third Reich the Minister of Finance, Mr.
organized the funding of armaments and Hitler's rise to power
not only through the German industry, but to a great extent
through secret money transactions from Swiss bank
Illuminati and Jewish capital raised US$ 120 millions to bring
Hitler to power. Thus Hitler's' revolution against the dark
forces represented a dictatorship on the outside, his battle
against his own inner darkness.
Whatever we battle against, is only a mirror of ourselves, so
that we recognize where unconditional love is still missing
in our lives. Our life reflects what we are.
That does not imply that we should repeat recognized negative
patterns on earth over and over, it rather implies that we
recognize it, admit it as it is and therefore
withdraw all power from it (inside), because we should not focus our consciousness
on it - in full trust - BECAUSE in the end every person judges him/her-self.
..." Don't do onto others what you wouldn't do to yourself,
because the person across the table is your other self of
the cosmic source."
The path of thousands of steps that we take in our lives is
the path to work on our own ego, we still have to recognize
our own dark sides. We can only change the world within by Being a living example in world and
Once the man on the street has understood that true power
and responsibility starts in daily life and by working on himself
and he also realizes how important it is what product he buys and
uses and not which party he votes for, then the revolution will start from

True spiritual light work is to release all negative force or
emotions by using unconditional love.
We have the strength to transform all negativity, by seeing
that at the core of it all is the all-connecting power which
can transform everything. Then we will transform everything,
because the inner power, with which we blend, transforms
the negative. Real love does not postulate conditions for
changes - it simply is.

picture - it is our own
responsibility "to fight" and stop the ongoing WAR
inside of us - that means in our own astral/feeling-body which
"steer" the outer shell - the physical body

we drag around on a BIG SELFMADE
BURDEN OF NEGATIV THOUGHTS (ill. of Mogens Møller, DK)
In every age the decending diving humans were reborn, and they
turn guided humans to get further ahead by releasing ingenious
inspiration and discoveries.
The various brotherhoods and mysterious casts were inspired
over and over by these entlightend beings.
The ideas of the brotherhoods, which stood behind all religions
and statesystems, were already beyond polarity. They had knowledge
about the 5th dimension, the understanding of polarity.

They knew that every human being, and mankind as a whole, has to
overcome polarity by itself out of its own development.
Thus the negative forces always remained the keepers of the
threshold, to a new consciousness.
Only if man understands that the negative does not exist, but
that the negative is the respective opposition is an opposingly
poled energy which he has to learn to integrate, then will he be
free, and rise higher and higher.
The positive and negative are an integral part of creation and
cannot be repressed. Only both of them can be integrated.
The negative pole brings movement into development and always
represents the divine part of energy which leads God's plan and the souls in development forward
on their journey of experiences.
Without negative events creation would stagnate because
no being would be prepared to take even a small step towards new experiences. Without negative experiences man would never
learn to appreciate the good and how to develop the virtues of wisdom.
Integration starts with people who have opposing opinions
and ends with governments and national interests on an
international level.
One can never say either or, but always only - as well as.

The dark side of power within us and in the world receives
strength only if one allows it to have an existence in
consciousness, by evaluating and rejecting it. Consequently
transformation can only take place within a person and never
on the outside.
You can only change yourself, then the world changes also
on the outside.
Therefore every exterior revolution is already doomed in
advance, since the 'masters of revolution' themselves will
later become the 'dictatotors' of this world.
The worst that can happen to mankind is a spiritual leader, who
is striving to gain world power, but who only understands half the
truth before his ego surrender to divine guidance.
Falsely understood esoterics leads always to the dark side
of esoterics - occultism, because then art occult super-ego will
be born, where only one individual visualizes him or herself as
God and all others are again inferior beings.
The occult war which started with Atlantis, reached its peak during
World war2. The New Templar Order saw in the Illuminati and the
Freemasons the 'Antichirst' - whereas the Illuminati and Freemason Orders
perceived the new templar order and the nazis as the 'Anti'christ'.
Today it should be clear to everyone that GOD is alive within
every person and that to perceive oneself as the "chosen one"
- be it for a religion, a race, a national identity or color of
skin - it is always the beginning of a human tragedy. A
god-realized person is not to be recognized by his or her color of
skin, by their outside appearance, but by the virtue of love,
wisdom and power which this person has inwardly united.
All races came once from the stars and are 'gods people' -
because they all carry Gods seed in themselves. By conquering his
animal features through thousands of lives - the animal-human has
developed into real human being.
(this is logic described in a spiritual intuitive science of spiritual
Cosmology/Martinus, 1890-1981)
if these links down, below does not work, search for them in the
searchwindow on
These videos are a kind of summary of this book and must be carefully watched and
studied, as the content is very deep/esoteric, and one must really CONCENTRATE to
get the message "downloaded" into the personal consciousness. And
if you does not have the adequate spiritual development/experience, you will
probably understand nothing!
Part I
Dawn of the Gods
- OR you must then write
"legend of Atlantis" in the search-window/square yourself
The legend narrates: Thousands of years ago the gods came down to earth
from the stars to initiate a genesis. Human civilization was formed and
reached a peak with Atlantis. A dark age began and the battle of Atlantean
gods led to its fall. A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret teachings
before the fall to Egypt.
Through all civilizations and with inspiration from extraterrestrial guards,
the secret Atlantean brotherhood managed all political systems with a
educational mission.
The thrilling documentation shows for the first time the secret activities of
a brotherhood in relations with invisible masters from Shambhala and Agartha
and the secret about the hollow earth.
Incredibly real footage from Tasmania island.
Erich von Däniken
Prof. Hurtak
Wladimir Tarzisky
Wendell Stevens
Howard and Conni Menger, USA
approx. 60 minutes
ISBN 3-931695-01-8
U.S.$ 39.- or Pounds Sterling 25

Part II
The Secret Brotherhood of
videos on this
book - and you must then write
"legend of Atlantis" in the search-window/square yourself
Following the catastrophe in Atlantis all nations were dispersed. A part of
the Atlantean brotherhood's secret knowledge survived in Egypt, in India and
in Tibet.
The heirs of these secret brotherhoods led mankind during the dark age…thru
Atlantean knowledge and through all ages.
In modern times the Freemasons, Templers and Illuminati brotherhoods were
After World War I, the Neutemplerorden and Thulegesellshaft emerged in Munich
and Vienna. New occult sects which saw 'satan' in the old freemason lodges.
With Hitler, these occult sects came to power.
-This thrilling documentation shows for the first time the background of
the Third Reich and its intellect which led to the catastrophe of ww2…
Wladimir Tarzisky
Prof. Hurtak
Virgil Armstrong
Wendell Stevens etc.
approx. 84 minutes
ISBN 3-931695-02-6
U.S.$ 39.- or Pounds Sterling 24.90.

Part III
The Secret Prophecies of the Apocalypse
videos on this
book - and you must then write
"legend of Atlantis" in the search-window/square yourself
Atlantean secret knowledge tells us the legend of mankind and those souls,
have to undergo cycles.
With the fall of Atlantis a high civilization cycle had ended.
All prophecies and more recent Earth changes point out that today's mankind
reached the end of the next experience cycle.
Up to the year 2011 the most serious Earth and climate changes, earthquakes,
social and political changes have been predicted.
This thrilling documentation shows the prophecies of ELIAH, the returned
prophet and his message on the last days, Christ's return and the space
Peter Ronefeld
Erich von Daniken
Dr. Snow
Barbara Marsiniak
Omnec Onec etc. (interview
on youtube with her on astral dimentions)
approx. 84 minutes ISBN 3-931695-03-4
U.S.$ 39.- or Pounds Sterling 24.90.

Part IV
The Return of the Atlantean Light Masters
Millenniums have passed ... since the high culture of Atlantis sank with a
catastrophy through power abuse of some corrupt scientists.
All humans of that time, who also experienced the descent into the dark
age, are being reincarnated today.
The thrilling documentation shows the return of the atlantean lightchildren
and allows deep insight into the role of the light workers and brotherhoods of
It shows why some souls reincarnate today, and act as environmental
protectionists, therapists, artists, esoterics etc. for the healing of earth.
Addresses also the Space Brotherhood events - 11.11 - the hollow earth,
Shambhala and Agartha.
Barbara Marsiniak
Wladimir Tarzisky
Prof. Hurtak
approx. 60 minutes
U.S.$ 39.- or Pounds Sterling 25

Part V
The Battle of Armageddon
For milleniums the secrets of creation were exclusively limited to an elite
of secret societies.
Now we have entered the so-called Last Days where these secret societies
like the Freemasons and the secret political lodges loose their power. This
existing video documentation will reveal the Atlantean secret knowledge on the
hollow world and their extraterrestial civilizations. The secret of the
pyramids, the sphinx, world-wide underground tunnel systems, flight movements
of the nazis to the South Pole under the leadership of the exterterrestrials,
Admiral Byrds exp.to the South Pole and much more allow the viewer to obtain
an overview over the
final secrets of the past and it's connection with extraterrestials.
Prof. Hurtak
Virgil Armstrong
Wendell Stevens
Ernie Sandhas
Vladimir Tarzisky
approx. 74 minutes
U.S.$ 39.- or Pounds Sterling 25