Philosophy given or rather - inspired by the IARGA contactteam. Part 3

But the thoughts is transformed by Stefan Denaerde

(And it is also to remark that since the author was a Catholic Christian - the material brought here is in a great part imprinted, distinguished by that in the way he here describes the fighting between light and darknes- or God and Satan as here expressed. And other biblical descriptions. R.Ø.remark.)

(continue on the theme Christ.)

Then who could be the father?

The Son is the equal of His opposite, an undivided absolute character. These were not archangels - no oceans of talent and knowledge, but indivisible love poles of the almight of a developing new consciousness. Both are the personality repetitions of fundamentally the same characters that become flesh on all the life bearing planets. This simply means that no physical being on any planet could be the father of the Son. The situation is different for Satan because he has been on Earth for a long time and does not have to develop any talents; he simply takes possession of a talentless body ego, an intelligent animal that already has the Satan identity with the required level of intelligence.

The Son can only come into existence by intervention from outside the Earth, and this means that the conception could not take place in the natural way, on all the planets He is born of a virgin.

The purity of Maria would have been destroyed if she had ever known a man. The conception by the Spirit can be explained by the submission that the matter of a sperm cell is purely serving as a carrier of information. The important thing is the life code or vibration double which is immaterial spirit.

She was virgin and mother, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth. The real purpose of His becoming man was the mixing of His absolute talents with certain learned Earthly talents. He became a carpenter; and was doubtless a good carpenter.

Here I will take in another text regarding this - Christ/Immanuel/Jesu physical father - from the unknown book Talmud Jmmanuel - here in Norwegian language:

To jump past this clik here

For those not reading/understanding this must "roll down" where the rest goes on after this - but some of this same in english can be found if you try or search on "Talmud Jmmanuel" - TRY THE FINE WEBSEARCH: FAST - ALL-THE-WEB

Etter følgende skrift, var den historiske Jesu far - Gabriel – en av "himmelsønnene". Gabriel - var altså en av de Pleiadiske "overvåkere" fra et noe høyere kosmisk utviklingstrinn – som tilhørte jordmenneskets kosmiske ledere, hvis oppgave det var å veilede den enda umodne menneskehet ut av det kosmiske mørke som var meget framherskende for 2000 år siden. Disse overvåkere fulgte hele tiden profeten mer eller mindre skjult i "det metalliske lyset" som fartøyene benevnes her i dette skrift.

Etter dette skrift var Jesu virkelige navn Jmmanuel – slik man også kan lese i Matteus 1-23. Disse skriftruller ble funnet i et godt skjult gravkammer av en gresk-katolsk prest i 1963 – men denne presten ble senere snikmyrdet, da han fikk skylden for at dette skrift kom frem i lyset. I virkeligheten var det Pleiaderne som telepatisk ledet denne presten til gravkammeret, og de samme ledet ham senere telepatisk i kontakt med Meier. Det var Meier som oversatte dette herværende materialet til tysk. (Fra Gresk.)

Denne kilde – Talmud Jmmanuel - forteller at disippelen Judas ikke var forræderen slik det fremstilles i Bibelen, men den eneste skriftlærde av disiplene, som skrev bl.a. dette ned. Den Judas som bibelen beskriver – som angav Jmmanuel/Kristus - var sønn av farisèeren Simeon – med det virkelige navn "Juda Iharioth" – og ble ut fra denne navnlikhet bevisst sammenblandet med den skriftlærde disippelen Judas. Samme Judas ble senere frastjålet sine nedtegnelser, og det var disse stjålne dokumenter som dannet grunnlaget for de senere evangelier.

At denne historie kan være mer enn bare tomme påstander viser også sterke paralleller i denne fortelling til de granskninger rundt Jmmanuel/Jesus som er beskrevet i bøkene: "Jesu lebte in Indien" av Holger Kersten, "Issa" av Nicolaj Notovitj, "Christ in Kashmir" av Mohammed Yasin, "Gåder omkring Jeso liv – før og etter korsfestelsen" av Kirsten Bang, Dänikens bok "reisen til Kiribati"(s.171-187) og ellers opplysninger fra "Dødehavsrullene", m.fl.



Læren om Jmmanuel - i Det Nye Testamente kalt Jesus Kristus

(Jmmanuel var Jesu virkelige navn – se Matteus 1-23)

Oversettelse i flere ledd fra den arameiske originalskrift, som ble nedskrevet av Immanuels disippel Judas Iskarioth. Den ble funnet år 1963 i Jmmanuels(Immanuels) virkelige gravplass.
Av Judas Iskariot
Immanuels slektstavle
    1. Dette er boken og hemmeligheten om Immanuel, som betyr "Gud er med oss", som er sønn til Josef, som var sønn til Jakob, en sen etterkommer til David, som var avkom til Abraham, hvis slekt går tilbake til Adam, den jordiske menneskerases far, som var født av Semjasa, leder for himmelsønnene, som er vaktengler hos Gud, den store herskeren over de fra fjernt hitreiste.
    2. Semjasa, himmelsønnen og vaktenglen hos Gud, den store herskeren over de som fra det fjerne har reist hit gjennom universums vidder, fødte med en jordisk kvinne - Adam, den hvite menneskeslekts urfar.
    3. Adam tok seg en jordisk kvinne og fødte Seth.
    4. Seth fødte Enos
    5. Enos fødte Akibeel
    6. Akibeel fødte Aruseak
    7. Aruseak fødte Kenan
    8. Kenan fødte Mahaleel
    9. Mahaleel fødte Urakibarameel
    10. Urakibarameel fødte Jared
    11. Jared fødte Henoch
    12. Henoch fødte Methusalah
    13. Methusalah fødte Lamech
    14. Lamech fødte Tamiel
    15. Tamiel fødte Danel
    16. Danel fødte Asael
    17. Asael fødte Samsaveel
    18. Samsaveel fødte Jomjael
    19. Jomjael fødte Turel
    20. Turel fødte Hamech
    21. Hamech fødte Noah
    22. Noah fødte Sem
    23. Sem fødte Arpachsad
    24. Arpachsad fødte Batraal
    25. Batraal fødte Ramuel
    26. Ramuel fødte Askeel
    27. Askeel fødte Armers
    28. Armers fødte Salah
    29. Salah fødte Eber
    30. Eber fødte Peleg
    31. Peleg fødte Regu
    32. Regu fødte Serug
    33. Serug fødte Araseal
    34. Araseal fødte Nahor
    35. Nahor fødte Thara
    36. Thara fødte Abram
    37. Abram fødte Isaak
    38. Isaak fødte Jakob
    39. Jakob fødte Juda
    40. Juda fødte Anani
    41. Anani fødte Ertael
    42. Ertael fødte Perez
    43. Perez fødte Hezron
    44. Hezron fødte Ram
    45. Ram fødte Aminadab
    46. Aminadab fødte Savebe
    47. Savebe fødte Nahesson
    48. Nahesson fødte Sahna
    49. Sahna fødte Boas
    50. Boas fødte Obed
    51. Obed fødte Jesse
    52. Jesse fødte David
    53. David fødte Salomo
    54. Salomo fødte Asa
    55. Asa fødte Gadaeel
    56. Gadaeel fødte Josaphat
    57. Josaphat fødte Jora
    58. Jora fødte Armeneel
    59. Armeneel fødte Usia
    60. Usia fødte Jothan
    61. Jothan fødte Gadreel
    62. Gadreel fødte Ahas
    63. Ahas fødte Itiskia
    64. Itiskia fødte Manasse
    65. Manasse fødte Amon
    66. Amon fødte Josia
    67. Josia fødte Jojachin
    68. Jojachin fødte Sealthiel
    69. Sealthiel fødte Jequn
    70. Jequn fødte Serubabel
    71. Serubabel fødte Abiud
    72. Abiud fødte Eliakim
    73. Eliakim fødte Asor
    74. Asor fødte Zadok
    75. Zadok fødte Achim
    76. Achim fødte Eliud
    77. Eliud fødte Eleasar
    78. Eleasar fødte Matthan
    79. Matthan fødte Jakob
    80. Jakob fødte Joseph
    81. Joseph var Marias, Immanuels mors mann, hun som ble havende gjennom en fjern etterkommer til himmelsønnen Rasiel, hemmelighetens vaktengel.
    82. Da Joseph fikk vite, at Maria i hemmelighet blitt havende gjennom en etterkommer til himmelsønnene av Rasiels slekt, se, da tente han av vrede og tenkte overgi Maria, før han ennå hadde giftet seg med henne fremfor folket.
    83. Men mens Joseph så tenkte, se, da åpenbarte seg en vaktengel, utsent av himmelsønnen Gabriel, som Maria var blitt havende med, og han talte og sa:
    84. "Joseph, Maria er deg tiltenkt og du skal være hennes mann. Overgi henne ikke, for hennes livsfrukt er bestemt til å bli noe stort. Gift deg med henne offentlig, så dere blandt folket må være mann og hustru."
    85. Og se, Marias havendeskap inntraff altså 11000 år etter det at himmelsønnen Semjasa hadde født Adam, på det at ordet skulle oppfylles som Gud, herskeren over de fra det fjerne hitreiste, hadde utalt gjennom profeten Jesaja, som sa:
    86. "Se en jomfru skal gjennom en himmelsønn bli havende, enda hun ikke hos folket er blitt forlovet med en mann.
    87. Hennes livsfrukt skal man gi navnet Immanuel, hvilket betyr "Gud med oss", til symbol og til Guds ære, gjennom vilkens kraft og forsyn jorden ble befruktet med intelligent menneskelig liv, gjennom at jordiske kvinner ble paret med himmelsønnene, de som kom langt utefra universum.
    88. Se, Gud og hans følge kom langt utefra, ut fra altets dyp, der de hadde befridd seg fra en hard trelldom, og de skapte til sammen med denne jords kvinner en ny rase og et nytt hjemsted.
    89. De jordiske menneskene bør ære Gud, for se altså: Han er den virklige skaperen av de hvite menneskerasene, og han bør ære tilkomme.
    90. Ved siden av Ham finnes ingen ting av likeverdig form for dette slag av mennesker som er skapt av Ham. Derfor bør dette menneske ikke ha andre guder ved siden av, som har skapt andre menneskeraser på andre steder på jorden.
    91. Ved siden av Gud finnes ingenting av likeverdig form som er verdig å tilbe. Over Ham og hans himmelsønner råder kun all skapelses allmakt: Skapelsen selv, som bør tilegnes høyeste pris og ære.
    92. For se, over jorden hersker Gud, herren over himmelsønnene og denne hvite rases mennesker.
    93. Gud er den som stifter lover for denne menneskerase, og hans ønsker skal oppfylles av både mann og kvinne.
    94. Gud, Herren er storsint i sin kjærlighet, men også fryktelig i sin vrede, om hans lover foraktes.
    95. Således er Marias havendeskap(graviditet) Guds lov, og du, Joseph, må være hennes forlovede mann."

Resten av dette skrift på linken her


The reason for His premature arrival caused by Jahwe was the blocking of the still freely-operating Satan, and that was the first thing He did after His real awakening. This awakening took place at the beginning of his ministry and at the end of the period of fasting during fourty days in the desert (see Matt. 4 and Luke 4). After this period of total fasting and prayer in total loneliness, He gained the perfection of the Son consciousness, the Ego of the spirit of truth (the second generation of the Spirit God) and with it the knowledge and insight into the plan of creation. Through this interference of the Spirit He gained the cosmic insight that He had the identity of the Christus Unitas Universitatis, the Earthly name for the universal convergence of all the completed cosmic races, the unity of the universe. This Son convergence is almighty, as will be explained later.

The Bible tells us that He was lead into the desert by the Spirit to be tested by Satan, and then the same was true for Satan, he was also being tested. This brought the situation about that two almighty personalities suddenly faced each other somewhere in a deserted area of Earth, two personalities that could have shaken the Earth on her foundations, the Son and Satan. The descriptions of Matthew and Luke are surprisingly accurate. Satan tried to tempt Jesus, and he would not have been Satan if he had not tried to obtain worship at the same time. Finally, Satan was sent away until the specified time. The fantastic efforts of the Jewish people had been rewarded, the gates of the hell were barred and humanity was released from her unfortunate destiny. Satan becoming man had been deferred (utsatt)until the end of time.

This was a gigantic interference by the Christus U.U. (see under) convergence (sammenløpning)in which many billions of final individuals took part, but nobody is permitted to disturb the cosmic order as is determined in the Word, and go unpunished, no matter how noble the reason may be. It was an unnatural external interference in the internal affairs of Earth that negated (benektet)the law of cause and effect. By putting Satan out of the game he had been denied the right to repayment of all the evil and selfishness of humanity by means of terrible suffering to which he would have subjected us.

The consequence of this interference was that all the beings that were responsible for the deed had to repay all the debts of mankind so that Satan would have nothing more to collect. Only when this consequence was accepted and paid could the interference be justified. Not only Jesus, but all the beings in the whole universal convergence were tortured and beaten with Him for having been involved in the interference. The principle of a convergence in the mutual (gjensidig) participation in all experiences; it can perhaps be compared to the convergence or unity of all the cells in a human body that all have a separate function. The one consciousness 'man' is the harmonious unity of all the organs and limbs, and when one part of the body suffers and excruciating pain, then the other parts suffer along with it.

Thus directly were billions of indviduals involved in helping us, and were just as involved in the suffering of Jesus. It was the God Christus Unitas Universitatis that hung on the cross and thus paid off the total debt of mankind. We all owe a great deal of thanks to a great many beings. Since then Christ has the power to forgive us for nearly all our sins; we owe Satan nothing unless we chose directly for him (identify with him). (But as "sin" is cosmic ignorance - there is "nothing" to foregive - because all one can suffer - is the results of what we have done to others in earlier/previous lives - according to the eternal law of Karma - which is described in a logic way by Martinus and to some extent -Theosophy, etc. R.Ø.rem.)

Satan's power is described in the same chapter of Luke. He took Jesus up to a high place and showed Him all the kingdoms of the Earth with the words "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me and to whomsoever I will, I give it". Jesus did not deny this right, it was true, and when this 'Gentleman' is again free and becomes man we can expect a spectacular demonstration of his power.


The Son with His hands tied.

There He was, a lonely God-man in the midst of His people who did not have the slightest idea of what had happened, and even less idea of who He really was. He could not tell these people that He was Godly, because then He would have broken their laws and have been put to death as a blasphemer; the Torah says that the Lord God is the only God.

In the normal transformation process, the Son comes in the last phase when everyone has reached the highest level of development and all know exactly who He is; is then the King of love and there He does not die.

On Earth, He had to die, not understood by the majority of His people. He could only speak in simple terms and make comparisons without revealing the real truth, which meant that His teachings would only be understood much later. He was born in a time when only a small percentage of the world population existed so that for the majority He could only be a tradition. He could not begin a comprehensive world religion, because then He would have made use of His advantage over Satan. The result of all this is that the majority of humans still live in doubt of His true identity, and what for Him must have been the greatest sorrow was that even His own people, after all the predictions, did not recognize Him.

The Jews can hardly be blamed for seeing Him as a blasphemer, He expressed Himself in such a way that the truth came out rather muffled. He attempted to keep many of His wonders secret by forbidding His pupils to speak of them. When we see the situation in which the message in the Bible has landed in comparison to the power of egoism, money, sex., nobody can say that Jesus has taken advantage of His lead on Satan, on the contrary. This conclusion is essential in demonstrating that the freedom of choice of humanity has not been damaged in any way.

We have now been in absolute isolation for nearly two thousand years. Mankind is alone, nobody interferes with us because our future is sure, nothing more can go wrong. There is no God or Satan who comes to disturb our arrogance; we do not wish to obey? We know everything better? O.K., we can have our way because our freedom is sacred. The pity is that it will soon be over, because the appointed time for the release of Satan is close; the human in which he will manifest himself is already born, and now we are just waiting for the destruction of atheism. Humanity will have to be prepared for this; the message in the Bible will again be told, but now with greater conviction and, when necessary, with proof.


Satans incarnation.

So far, four of the five restrictions to the incarnation of the Son have been described, a fifth remains so that Satan still gets the full chance after his return from banished. This means that he will be given the chance to overpower the Earth and to mislead as many as possible into choosing for him instead of for God. This may give the impression that he is also aided by the destruction of atheism, because only someone who knows God can reject Him, but this is not so. He continues to deny God, and lets humanity choose for power, profit, and the exploitation of others, and in the form that he offers. He wants people to choose him, and all the advantages that he offers, but not against God because that would be too obvious. He want them to worship him, and only him and goes to work with lies and deceit. He aims (sikter) his campaign (feltog) at the evil in man, free sex rape sadism, etc. but above all at laziness and profiting from others. He knows better that anyone that our Achilles heel is laziness which does not lead to the development of new talents, and that is what he uses almost exclusively. He denies that a failing being chooses against God, he does everything he can to keep God out of the question, becuause if he did not, many would perhaps think it over, and that is not intended. Let the people choose for a lovely lazy sensuous life, full of fun, that is the system. When the destruction of atheism actually takes place on a large scale, he will no longer be able to use his backdoor tactics and will have to show his colours; then he will direct his actions against God and Christ and everyone will know who he is.

Satan is an utmost intelligent 'human' being with an unknown magnetic personality, an hypnotic leader who can do things that we do not think possible, such as recovering from mortal wounds. In the Apocalyps it states that the beast will manifest itself in the beginning as the idol of the masses and that millions will follow him in wonder and admiration. This could be true, the antichrist looks for wonder and admiration (beundring). This following of an idol will be mostly by young people before their second awakening who do not have any ideals over God or Christ, they do what the fancy tells them because they are bored. This is also true because the anti-christ has the most power over the youth, they are defenceless and still living in their body egos, and have not yet developed their individuality enough.

He will take over the world in an unexpected way and a second bloody cultural revolution will begin that will honor the talent-less. Top leaders and intellectuals will repent (angre) their 'sins' in public and will be set to sweeping the streets. Their property will be given to the 'poor', but not the real poor, to the talentless who will have all the top positions. Their lack of talents is masked by red tape and the frantic issuing of orders, but this does not prevent industry and food production going to pot which results, among other things, in a gigantic famine.

The propaanganda machine will be running at full speed, through which the anti-christ will gain the reputation of the great reformer, the even greater savior, and the champion of the oppressed(undertrykte). He speculates and manipulates with jealousy, this is the main point of recognition in his actions.

He will choose his disciples, mostly young people who he will lavish with his favours. The universities will be full of zealots(ivrige), but they have to be taught to really live. This 'real' life is then power, sex, money, slavery, and especially, not working. They have the 'donkeys' to do the work. They will be stimulated to 'convert' heretics by means of terror and an escalation of violence will be started that destroy the existing constitution. Murder, robbery, abuse, rape, and especially deflowering are the order of the day.

This chaos is combined with their second plan of campaign, namely a personality cult, and humiliation. Everyone will be forrced to worship an image of the anti-christ, and anyone who will not do this at first will be ostracised (forvist)as a paria along with his family. They will not be given the ridiculous badge, and will therefore be unable to buy or sell anything and at the same time they loose their salary and work.

They are condemned to die of starvation. The system works with santanic perfection because it creates hate within the family. Everyone comes to the person involved and try to convince him that he should be sensible and not subject his family to this humiliation(ydmykelse). If he remains stubborn, then the trouble really starts and the drama is brought into the home; he may even be betrayed by his family, tortured, and killed. (See Mark 13.12)

This will not happen because the anti-christ demands it, he is not that foolish; it would then be his fault, and that is the last thing he wants. It will happen because egoists cannot accept that someone refuses to undergo the humiliation that they must suffer. The people do all this to each other, the anti-christ does not dirty his hands with such things, he regards the people with an air of superiority and ignores the murder and torture, he simply rewards 'good deeds'. The world will be made insensible through the television, his film teams will report interesting events and then the people will be selected who have done a 'service' for the community. They may come to his palace and are decorated with all the necessary pomp and circumstance. This is the way in which the false saviour dangles his bait above the pit of everlasting death.

Is this the exact way in which this will happen? No, that is not possible. One who foretells the future, changes it. The very fact that this description exists and is published, even on a small scale, means that even if he wanted to do it this way, he would now have to modify his plans. This description is composed by beings who know his character because this is the same on all the planets; it therefore describes only the methods of Satan, and not the exact plan of action. Our problem is that he knows mankind, and exactly how he must manipulate us. As the Bible tells us, it all comes down to constancy and courage. Who trys to save his life will lose it, and who loses his life for "ME" will keep it.


The final phase selection.

From this description of this immortal individual, it will be clear as to why he can only be allowed to appear in the end period of the development. It can only last about four years, otherwise he would have compromized the free will of humanity, breach of faith or not. To explain this, the selection in the last period is a selection of completed identity. A human needs a period of identity formation from puberty to at least 25years and this means 10 years, but usually much longer. During these ten years is determined wether he has developed enough talents to attain an immortal individuality. If Satan was allowed 10 years in power he would be able to form a great number of young people into talentles beings. Since he does not even get the half of this time, all he can do is to allow the already present talentless beings to enjoy themselves and irrevocably establish their identity. They know the choice they are making for the anti-christ because they feel attracted to him. Thus he gathers all the Satans disciples together that especially in the end phase are present in large numbers. As will be explained later, they are present out of all time (earthly time) and found their formation in previous lives. The principle is that no 'new' beings may be mislead, with or without pressure, because then their freedom of choice would be compromised. The people that we are talking about here are beings that have inborn laziness as a talent, and an evil disposition that their parents and teachers were unable to control. The real humans who have completed the talent mix process by work and effort and have an immortal soul will not fail in the sense of everlasting exclusion. No matter what they have done, all guilt is finite and therefore can be repayed, even if the menthod causes a great deal of suffering. When anyone succumbs (bukker under) to the threats and worships the image of the anti-christ, they will not take part in the first resurrection, but in the second, and will have to refute (motbevise) their identification with Satan, with all the associated misery. No one can escape the suffering because it offers the satisfaction without which eternal happiness cannot exist.

The great majority of the 'lazy' will, living or dead, complete the previously described development process in the realm of the dead, and this will take about one thousand years after the disaster. In the Bible, God said that: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold or hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. We have covered the "luke-warm" and the "cold" beings, but who are now the "hot" ones? These are the people who are in advance on the final convergence and have already irrevocably determined their Christ identity. As a rule these are people who have given up their lives rather than deny God or Christ. They will take part in the first "Resurrection"and in the thousand year kingdom of God and Christ on Earth.

During the Christian and Jewish persecutions, may people gave their lives and therefore confirmed their Godly identity. The end of time will emerge as a selection period in which not only Satan, but also Christ will gather chosen ones together.


The disaster of fear.

In fact, Satan gets the first chance. It is true that Christ was here on Earth first, but due to the many restrictions, no one can say that there is any comparison with the brute violence of the anti-christ. No one can be blamed for having failed in his first confrontation with the monster, they will get enough chance to confirm their Godly identity in due course. Firstly, an end must be made to the chaotic situation on Earth, and this 'clean-up' will take place in such a rigorous manner that it will mean the total destruction of all human works, and the equalization of the surface of the Earth as if a great bulldozer had gone over it.

There will be literally nothing left standing. Actually, it will be the anti-christ who pulls the trigger; his terror causes disorder, chaos, and fear. Seeing that the human race is complete and that the dead, by their involvement with the living, will share that fear, a unanimity in fear will exist, even though it is not yet a total unanimity. For example, Satan and his power drunk band, and Christ will not take part. This is a good thing too, because an almighty fear would destroy our solar system.

The fear must be just large enough to enable humanity to pull the trigger which will cause a poleshift of the Earth, and the entry of a narcotic fear that will insure a quick and merciful end for all humanity and animals. The disaster will not come unexpectedly for the real humans; in fact, they will have prayed for a long time that God will make an end to all the terrible evil surrounding them. Every straight thinking being will long have made up his mind that the end is in sight, and many will calmly let it engulf them in their great respect for God.

Another process will begin during these last days, namely the continuance of the reflection life on Earth by which the chosen ones of Christ from earlier times will rise out of the dead and, as promised, will be 'taken up'. This impressive spectacle will be described further in the next chapter. The sign of the Son of man will appear in the clouds above the burning Earth as the sign that the new time has begun. The time in which Christ will rule over a new kingdom of peace and justice that has begun on Earth. Satan will be imprisoned for a thousand years; the changing of the guard.

For a biblical verification, see: Apocalypse 13, Matthew 23 and Luke 21.



What is the point in predicting a disaster?

Rubbish, it is exactly the same thing as a doctor telling a woman that she is pregnant. Humanity is pregnant with the new eternal life, and what is going to happen are just the birth pains of the new life. Man is destined for a future that surpasses our wildest dreams. All the suffering that is born in obedience to God's will is a part of a purification process by which we drive out our demonic ego. In other words, that suffering is discounted from the rest. One who accepts the suffering experiences happiness instead of unhappiness, they improve their mentality much easier now because it has three times as much effect before the "Resurrection"than after.

We will have to be told that we are pregnant, otherwise the pains of the last time will only cause a panic situation that will lead us to the conclusion that humanity is doomed and that it is impossible for a loving God to Exist. It would all be pointless if it did not have the effect of purification. For enlightened beings, it is extremely meaningful. At the top of the fanatic hysterical explosion of hatred for God, God takes a hand with a show of power that leaves a devastating impression behind it. Even as the disasters begin, there will be many who will wish to bite off their tongues for the fact that they worshipped the anti-christ. We will be shaken awake, perhaps too late to realize that we have been following the wrong path. This impression during death will be of great value as purification in the coming thousand year kingdom.

Only the disciples of Satan, who are not 'pregnant' will see this as a prophecy of doom, for them it is the prophecy of eternal death, and they will want to hear nothing about it.

It is therefore very important to realize that at the summit of their terror it is simply a matter of choosing for or against Christ, and no longer for life or death. Saving of a life is just a matter of postponement for a few months. "He who loses his life for "ME" shall find it".

The incarnation of Satan can be understood fairly simply.

1. The origin of the universe is in the infinite All-consciousness

that can only manifest itself in contradictions (motsigelser)(see first chapter).

2. The true goal of the creation is love, and this needs at least one partner.

3. Then this partner must always have existed in the infinite, and must, according to point 1. exist out of contradictions in character and nature.

Ergo, the Son had an infinite origin and was therefore indestructible, namely, Satan. If the son were to become man, and Satan not, the freedom of choice of mankind would be destroyed without which, perfect love is impossible. Beings would then exist who felt affection for Satan, but who would not be able to follow him in order to perfect their anti love-power.



It is inevitable that Satan will one day become man.

Yet another conclusion can be taken from this. If, in the end of time, all the disciples of Satan should be incarnated, then the completion of the Satan's portion of mankind could take place (this will be explained). What about Christ's portion then? Hundreds of millions of good people have never known Him, let alone that they could choose for him or foJlow him. Indeed, the many restrictions which bound Him made Him just a shadow out of the past, misunderstood and unrecognized.

What a contrast with the other planets where He, according to the plan, lives as the king of love and rules the whole planet. The freedom of choice of mankind would also have been destroyed if Christ were to remain the shadow out of the past that the majority of us did not know; so we can say with the same conviction that Christ will also return to Earth for the second time.


Therefore the Son of Man will be symbolized cosmicly as a Person of gigantic size Whose hands lie on the hilt of a huge sword whose point stands on the ground. It symbolizes his defense against the satanic sabotage and destruction which can only be checked with force.


Normal Cycle of Other Intelligent Races

The assumption which comes up is that the new life after the catastrophe comes from the life-and love-power-of the Son and that here, now, the new identity will come into existence. That is most emphatically not the case.

The thousand year Reign is fundamentally a part of the transformation-process and takes place in the old reflection-life.

In the normal cycle under divine Guidance, through the high level of polarization the Son would be called naturally. In the final phase He is the King of Love Who brings His people to perfect Love and the new life. Just after that comes Satan with his gang to lead the people astray and test them. There he must  be called through a special intervention and that happens precisely the other way round. Both the coming of the Son and that of Satan take place in reflection-life as a necessary phase of the transformation process. Only their presence can bring the recognition into existence and secure the free choice of the people (invividual identification).

What are the deviations from the normal cycle in an own-boss race such as the human race?

To begin with, not only the Son came prematurely, but the anti-christ, Satan did too. Normally He Comes at the end of the reflection-life, at the completion of the love-power and that is the time when He absolutely must be there, otherwise it doesn't work. (From this it follows that Satan must also come back again).

Further, it is abnormal for Satan to appear in a race who has not yet reached immortality. Normally he does not actually get the chance to live out his lust for murder. The second time he doesn't get the chance either, then we will be immortal.

The most fundamental difference is actually the "Resurrection"itself.

In the normal cycle no "Resurrection"of real people takes place at all, only the natural rebirth (reincarnation).

Going ahead to a later explanation it can be said that there the selection takes place in the kingdom of death, through which the reincarnation-selection comes to exist.

In this cycle the weeds will be constantly pulled out and the quality improves. The level of polarization rises continually and then one and the same person can reach completion through successive lives, learning by experience.

Also through the low population growth the moment will come in the final phase when all people are living-also those from previous times in history. Under the leadership of the Son and through the natural all-might of this completed humanity suddenly the might of the collective Spirit over matter will come into being and with that, immortality. Reincarnation takes the place of Resurrection.

The only ones who rise from the dead there are the members of Satan's gang, but again through the natural all-might of the group. There the closed system of planetary-consciousness will never be broken by an outside intervention. Under the leadership of their God they are supporting.


The Coming Outside Intervention in Our Right of Self-Determination

A little further back it was established that Jesus was the First of the 144 000 and thus it followed that within the closed system of earthly-consciousness He cannot be almighty during the catastrophe because humanity is still far removed from unanimity.

At the same time it can be assumed that during the catastrophe two almighty Interventions are needed. The changing of the guard has come and now Christ will take over the rulership of the world from the anti-christ.

The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of peace and justice and only those who already carry the kingdom within them can take part. That is not only the 144,000, but also the millions who have irrevocably chosen for Christ and are prepared to recognize and obey Him as their King: the first chosen ones.

That is what they must live for. A part of them will be saved during the catastrophe and the other part will have to rise from the dead and that will happen, as stated earlier, immediately before the catastrophe. This will be the first "Resurrection"and for that an almighty Intervention is required.

There is someone else who will survive the catastrophe

because he is immortal, and that is the monster with his vassal, the spirit of lies. They will have to be seized by the collar and locked up during the thousand years which is allotted to Christ. For that too the all-might is required.

It follows then that again an outside Intervention will have to take place through the already completed intelligent races in the united SELF-consciousness of the Christus Unitas Universitatis, the Unity of the universe.

As the Bible explains it: the Son of Man shall come again in all his Majesty attended by all his angels. In other words, He comes as the almighty Christ Who puts things in order. He will restore peace in the earthly balance of power and create a living-place for his chosen ones.

The consequence of the first outside Intervention was that a second inescapably has to happen, so that these two stand more or less in each other's line.

The price of this second blocking of Satan was already paid, for this convergence in Christ has paid off the quilt of all humanity. Apart from the catastrophe still more striking occurrences will take place on this earth which will be seen by those living then.

The consequence of the 'own boss cycle' on earth is that here at least four outside interventions must take place and these weaken our self-determination bit by bit.

1. The blocking of Satan twenty centuries ago, which took place through the incarnate Son with help from many other intelligent races who had already reached completion. (Blocking for a particular period).

2. The general destruction through the natural catastrophe of fear, the mechanism of which was built into the earthly consciousness by the Spirit of God.

3. The first "Resurrection"of the chosen ones to the reflection-life 'from the Spirit' (immortality through Spirit over matter). This again will take place through the incarnate Son with help from many other intelligent races.

4. The second blocking of Satan for a particular period which will happen after the catastrophe and again through or in the name of the incarnate Son with help from other intelligent races.

What a trip with such a pig-headed race!

I want to explain that these interventions will not affect the freedom of choice and the character of humanity. At least not as far as it concerns the real people who are going to make it-and that is about 99% of humanity.

The remaining percentage of Satan's disciples will certainly not be part of it. The principle of the violation of our right of self-determination is based on the limitation of Satan's freedom of movement as soon as he wants to destroy the freedom of choice of real people. He is a saboteur and a terrorist who wants to conquer his victims in order to make them willless.

The first Intervention of Christ was the saving or deliverance of all people from the unhappy predestination, which came from the planetary conditions.

It was the saving from the fatal fall of Satanic overpowering which would have completely destroyed our right of Self-determination. It was not an attack, but just the opposite, a complete guarantee of our right of self-determination and of free choice. The proof has been given in the meantime. For the last twenty centuries no-one from 'outside' has meddled with us. Our freedom of action was not affected.

The second and fourth Interventions are along the same lines. The catastrophe of fear will intervene at the peak of the terror of Satan and just before the moment when he will attack our freedom of choice. After that he will have to remain blocked for a certain time so as not to affect the freedom of the chosen ones in the Kingdom. Here too the guarantee against attack on our right of self-determination.

The situation regarding the third Intervention is less clear. The "Resurrection"of the chosen ones and the foundation of the thousand year Kingdom can be explained as an attempt at one-sided influencing of all the living and dead. If Satan is allotted only three and a half years and Christ a thousand years then it begins to seem that the freedom of choice of people will be affected. It only seems thaat way. Later in this chapter it will be explained that this choice is not free for those people, who know both the Son and Satan. He who knows the Son can never again choose for Satan.



The Postponement of the Second or "Great Resurrection"

There is yet another problem. At no time can humanity die out completely, thus also not during the catastrophe of fear because at that time they will be completed in number (among other things). In death humanity has the unanimous wish to live, thus for the continuation.

There must be a significant group of survivors who do not share the unanimity of death. This is the reason that the first chosen ones as far as they are living, will be rescued by an external intervention by other races (they will be picked up by 'angels') according to Christ's promise. Thus there are a small number of people living now who will not see death ever. The phenomenon which will take place on earth is thus a postponed great Resurrection. The first small "Resurrection"blocks the great one in which the billions will rise.

This puts still more emphasis on the choosing of the first group, and this while 'selection' is still a dirty word on earth. All people are the same, so what is there to select? Because these people by chance have been brought up as Christians and what is more have been called-which they did not deserve?

It seems like discrimination!

Without knowing it you are expressing one of the most common lies of the spirit of selfishness: selection is unjust. This is no accident, for in a self-willed race the spirit of lies is dominant.

How are all people the same? Like cups and saucers? There are no two people who are the same-or equal. Our right of existence is variation, the inequality which in the convergence leads to expansion of consciousness. To God there are great and small dead (Revelations 20,12) and that difference will be decided by the number of talents acquired, their works~nd their labours or achievements.

The anti-performance figures think satanicahy and hold capacities and talents in disdain. That is their freedom of choice but don't let it worry you. Your own value will exist in all eternity from the value-consciousness of your performances. You are what you do in this life forever.

If you send a football team for the world cup then you send a selection of people with talents in football. Is that discrimination? The team which forms in the thousand year Kingdom for the training and the match will play in the world cup for the whole of humanity, and against an extremely experienced and refined opponent. It is their old physical self, or Satan. They must win: it is a matter of life and death. The billions of dead who wait for the second "Resurrection"are the spectators who sit in the stands. They are, as has been said, really there.

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