as taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek
an introduction by Jeff Wein
Many of us have had some exposure to the branch of mathematics known as
geometry. If we learned it at all, we learned it as a system of axioms
and proofs whereby certain relationships between forms such as circles and
triangles could be demonstrated. Thus taught, geometry seemed to have
little of the special spiritual nature that we associate with sacredness.
Most people, therefore, labor under a misconception about what makes for the sacred character of Sacred Geometry. Two common ones are:
"Sacred Geometry is sacred because it describes certain shapes, such as the Golden Rectangle that were often used in the design of "sacred" buildings such as temples, churches, and pyramids."
"Sacred Geometry is sacred because the Ancients, in their lack of sophistication, ascribed sacredness to certain geometric forms that possess what we sophisticated moderns call mathematical "elegance"."
The true sacredness of Sacred Geometry lies elsewhere, however. All through the ages, all over the planet, Sacred Geometry has been taught as a special understanding about the process of Creation. However, as with many powerful spiritual teachings, this information was often kept occult (hidden), passing from initiate to initiate within secret societies.
Many creation myths (including the one we are most familiar with from the
Hebrew bible) state unequivocally that Spirit (God) created the manifested
(wave-form) universes out of Nothingness (also known as the Great Void).
By what process does formless and eternal Spirit create the myriad,
changeful forms that we experience as manifested Creation?
According to Sacred Geometry, Spirit "moved" or "projected itself" in
certain very simple geometric patterns based on the sphere. From these
"movements", certain geometric relationships were established that served
as the "template" from which all forms, all dynamics, all processes, all
mathematical relationship, even consciousness itself could be "derived".
We are forced here to use concepts (words) for a mysterious and ultimately
ineffable process that cannot be fully captured by our conceptions;
nevertheless, the left-brain knowing (words) combined with the right-brain
knowing (the images themselves) can enable us to understand, in a profound
way, this process.
Sacred Geometry can be practiced as a science through which we learn to
"see" how the manifested universe reflects patterns which are "hidden"
within the initial geometry of creation, much as a child creates the image
"hidden" in a series of numbered dots by connecting them with a pencil.
Through studying the initial creation geometries, we can find ALL of the
relationship upon which nature and consciousness are based.
Most fruit trees, for example, have both fruit and flowers whose "design"
is clearly based on the pentagon, just as crystal usually reflects some
aspect of the cube, and galaxies reflect the logarithmic spiral.
In other words, the geometries we see reflected in nature are not there
because the world is ultimately based on mathematics; rather, mathematics
(and all other "modern" sciences") work because the manifested worlds were
created through geometry.
If you accept, even provisionally, this understanding of the creation
process, it is still hard to see why anyone would want to "hide" this
knowledge in occult fellowships. However, since WE are "co-creating" the
universe WITH God, if WE master these geometries, we can then develop
"powers" over the manifested worlds. The Hindus call these the "sidis",
and they include telekinesis, levitation, and, ultimately,
inter-dimensional travel (ascension). Secret societies therefore grew up
around these teachings to safeguard their holiness and to keep them from
being abused by people who did not have the proper spiritual training.
Discover the answers to these questions in the FLOWER OF LIFE workshop.
Through video presentations, guided meditations, toning and chanting,
exercises in Sacred Geometry, and more, you will encounter fascinating
material that will change your life. You will also learn the Merkabah
Meditation, a spiritual practice that will enhance your effectiveness now
and prepare you for the coming shift in consciousness.
This material is presented over two long weekends. The course fee ($444
for North America and Europe) covers sixty hours of class time and
includes a workbook, a study guide, and sacred geometry materials.
Topics covered in the workshop include:
THE PROCESS OF CREATION, as revealed through Sacred Geometry. The Flower
of Life, usually represented as nineteen interlocking circles, is the
simple pattern through which all wave-form universes come into
EGYPTIAN MYSTERIES. Occult schools in Egypt used the Pyramids and other
sacred sites to master the secrets of inter-dimensional travel. The
teachings of the Right Eye of Horus, explained in the workshop, have only
been taught once before on earth.
THE MERKABAH. Subtle energy fields around the body can be activated
through a special form of meditation. You can develop mastery over
third-dimensional reality and access to higher dimensions.
CETACEAN CONNECTIONS. Millions of years ago, cetacean cultures came to
earth from other planets in our galaxy. Their involvement in human history
and their desire to aid us in our transformation continue to this day.
THE COMING TRANSFORMATION. We are in the midst of a process that will
results in a tranformation of consciousness and a translation to a higher
dimension of reality. What does that really mean for the human race, and
what will it be like experientially?
The FLOWER OF LIFE workshop experience provides an important integration of
right brain (emotional, intuitive) and left brain (logical, analytical)
approaches to the spiritual dimensions of the coming Consciousness Shift.
For more information, contact:
Karl Erik Bjørnhaug, Coordinator
+ 22 18 72 23
Links and Resources
Merkaba - education and research site
Our History from Drunvalo Melchizedek
Vem är Drunvalo Melchizedek?
Interview with Drunvalo Melchizedek
Kristusmedvetandet på plats runt Jorden
The Process of Creation
What's the Big Deal?
The Flower of life
The geometric pattern made by nineteen interlocking circles inscribed in a
sphere, is known as the Flower of Life. The Flower of Life, and patterns
based on it known as the Tree of Life, the Fruit of Life, and the Seed of
Life have been found all over the world, all through the ages, and in
cultures which, as far as we know, did not have contact, such as the
ancient Egyptians and the medieval Celts.
Everything that has ever been created or is in existence now was accomplished through this
pattern. Contained within the flower of life is everything. There isn't anything in the
universe and never will be that isn't manifested in that image. All languages, all laws
of physics, all biological life forms including all of us individually.
The Flower of Life-symbol is found in Egypt. It is depicted on the wall of a structure
about 6000 years old, located in one of the oldest temples ever discovered in Egypt.
The image is called the "flower of life" because its replica originates in a tree. Think
of a fruit tree; as it grows, it flowers and then fruits. The fruits fall, and each one is
a thousand seeds, and each seed has in it the image of the tree. Contained within the
geometry of the flower of life is all of creation.
Flower of Life workshop
UNREVEALED EARTH HISTORY. A disastrous experiment on Atlantis 16,000 years
ago caused a fall in consciousness. Yet, other events on Atlantis have set
the stage for the coming transformation.